July 2021

In July we welcome award winning poets Stella Reed, Tina Carlson and Katherine DiBella Seluja speaking on: “Carrying Water: An Exercise in Collaboration”
Tina Carlson bio: Tina Carlson is a Santa Fe poet and psychiatric nurse practitioner. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals and anthologies such as: Psaltery and Lyre, Cutthroat Journal, Hunger Mountain, Bosque, Dark Mountain Review, and Best of Kore Press, 2012 and SWWIM. Her first book, Ground, Wind, This Body (University of New Mexico Press, 2017) explores the destructive effects of war on a family when the embattled veteran has received no help after coming home, as well as themes of nature as redemption, international adoption, and dreams.
Stella Reed bio: Besides being the co-author of the AZ-NM Book Award winning We Are Meant to Carry Water, 2019, from 3: A Taos Press, Stella Reed is the 2018 winner of the Tusculum Review chapbook contest for Origami, and took 3rd place in the Baltimore Review’s writing contest 2020. In pre-pandemic times, Stella taught poetry to women in domestic violence and homeless shelters through WingSpan Poetry Project in Santa Fe, NM and to students in grades K-12 with the Santa Fe Public Schools. You can find her work in The Bellingham Review, American Journal of Poetry, Tahoma Literary Review, SWWIM, Psaltery & Lyre, Wild Roof Journal, Blue Mountain Review, The Fourth River, and Terrain. She is a Best of the Net nominee for 2020 and holds an MFA from New England College. Stella works for Audubon Southwest.
Katherine DiBella Seluja bio: Katherine DiBella Seluja is a poet and nurse practitioner. She is the author of Gather the Night (University of New Mexico Press 2018), a first poetry collection dedicated to her brother, Lou, that examines the impact of mental illness. Winner of the Southwest Writers Poetry Award, her work has appeared in Bosque, Intima, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, and Broadside Press among others. Katherine holds nursing degrees from Columbia University and Yale University.