March 2023

What is your creative process? How do you gather ideas and
see them through to your final piece of writing or artistic venture? Speaker Jack Crocker will lead us through this process as we explore what works best for us in our creative journey. Whatever genre you write in, discovering the steps that work best for you is essential to completing the story that you are ready to share.
Join us Saturday, March 18 at 12:30pm via Zoom for our speaker poet Jack Crocker.
Jack Crocker is provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, and professor of English, at Western New Mexico University. He has held various faculty and administrative positions, including at the University of South Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University, where he was founding Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Having attended college on basketball and baseball scholarships, he has a B.A. in English from Delta State University, an M.A. in English from Florida State University, and a Ph.D. in English from Texas Tech University. His poetry has been widely published in a variety of journals and anthologies. In 2009 the Texas Review Press published a collection—The Last Resort. His latest volume of poems, published by the Mimbres Press of Western New Mexico University, in September 2021, is The Algorithm of I. He lives in Silver City, New Mexico with his wife Jodi and two children, Jessi and William.