June 2023
Join us on June 17th virtually or in-person for our first hybrid meeting as we welcome Betty Webb, author of the best-selling Lena Jones mystery series (Desert Redemption, Desert Wives, etc.) and the humorous Gunn Zoo mysteries (The Panda of Death, The Otter of Death, etc.). Lost in Paris, the first book in her new mystery series, set in 1922 France, was released in April 2023. The second Paris mystery, The Clock Struck Murder, will be followed in Spring, 2024. Betty has worked as a graphic designer in Los Angeles and New York City, but eventually became a journalist. She spent 20 years as a reporter, interviewing everyone from U.S. presidents, astronauts who walked on the moon, Nobel Prize-winners, and polygamy runaways. In between her frequent trips to Paris, Betty lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with her family. www.bettywebb-mystery.com
As a professional writer for more than 40 years, Betty will share with us her writing “philosophy”, encompassing the many aspects of being a writer. In addition to her expertise as a journalist, novelist, and playwright, she has successfully navigated the ever-changing publishing world, including the ins and outs of working with agents and editors. She skillfully weaves historical facts with mystery that brings often difficult subjects to light.
We are delighted to welcome her to PWC’s first in-person meeting since the pandemic.
Betty Webb LOST IN PARIS (April 4, 2023)
For details on how to attend in-person or virtually, RSVP on our meetings page.