October 2023
Sue Fulton is a teacher, prose writer, poet, and occasional blogger. She holds a BA in
Secondary Education and an MA in Education Intervention, with a focus on social and
emotional learning. Her mission is to help writers make time for their writing and
develop the emotional intelligence skills needed to manage the challenges of writing
and publishing. Sue is a Shut Up & Write organizer, and founder of POP, a team of
writers helping other writers generate work and share their stories. Find her at Short
Notes from a Tall Writer’s Journal.
We look forward to you joining us for Sue’s talk on Saturday, Oct 21:
Up Your Game: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Strategies for Writers
Like white water rafting, writing and the business of being an author can be
delightful, daunting, exciting, exasperating, thrilling, and terrifying. Up Your
Game: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Strategies for Writers provides tools to
help you:
· Recognize and effectively work with emotions (yours, your characters, &
the publishing professionals you work with).
· Intentionally shift emotional states.
· Create flow, lessen resistance, and support your writing goals.
· Use thinking and feeling to make decisions that enhance your writing
Bring your favorite pen or pencil; handouts and a resource list will be