September 2024
This month, at our new location and time, we welcome Sudha Balagopal.
Sudha Balagopal is an Indian American writer whose fiction straddles continents and cultures, blending thoughts and ideas from the east and the west.
Most recently, her novella in flash, Nose Ornaments, was published by Ad Hoc Fiction, UK. Her highly commended novella in flash, Things I Can’ t Tell Amma, was published by Ad Hoc Fiction in 2021.
She has a full-length flash collection, Tiny Untruths, forthcoming from Alternating Current Press.
Nominated for several awards, her work has appeared in Best Microfiction, 2021, 2022 and Best Small Fictions, 2022, 2023, 2024.
When she’s not writing, she teaches yoga.