January 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025, we welcome Debe Branning, author of several books that feature tales of historic/haunted places in Arizona. She will share her method of gathering facts and information about potential stories and their haunted locations. Her talk will also focus on the spooky tales of the 1920s in celebration of our centennial in 2026. Be ready for some real haunted tales from a real-life paranormal investigator—RSVP at the bottom of our meetings page!
Debe Branning has been the director of the MVD Ghostchasers, a Mesa/Bisbee, AZ based paranormal team, since 1994. The team conducts investigations of haunted, historical locations throughout Arizona and has offered paranormal workshop/investigations since 2002. Debe has been a guest lecturer at several Arizona universities and colleges, historical societies, Arizona paracons, and science fiction conventions on the topic of historic/haunted Arizona. Through continued research and education, Debe has earned the trust and respect from their clients and other paranormal investigators
She has appeared in an episode of TRAVEL CHANNEL’S “Ghost Stories” about haunted Jerome, Arizona in July 2010—and “Ghost Adventures” about the haunted Old Gila County Jail in Globe. She has traveled, toured and investigated at haunted locations across the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland and Mexico. As a paranormal travel writer, Debe traveled to Europe to cover haunted castles, jails, ships, inns, cemeteries and ghost walking tours. She has been the guest of several US tourism departments such as Carlsbad, Historic Hotels of the Rockies, Salem, and Biloxi.
She is the author of several books including: Sleeping with Ghosts-A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to AZ’s Haunted Hotels and Inns (2004), Grand Canyon Ghost Stories (2012), The Graveyard Shift–Arizona’s Historic and Haunted Cemeteries (2012), Dining With the Dead—A Guide to Arizona’s Haunted Restaurants and Cafes (2017), Haunted Phoenix (2019), Ghosts of Houston’s Market Square Park (2020), Arizona’s Haunted Route 66 (2021), Haunted Globe 2022, School Spirits—Final Lessons (2024) and Arizona’s Haunted Tri-Cities—Mesa, Chandler, Tempe (2024).
I am looking for a ghostwriter to help put together a document recapping the history of a legal matter. This document and supporting documents will be presented to my attorney for his consideration. This is not a legal document; it is a recap of actual events (emails/communications/meeting notes) to help guide my attorney in his consideration.
We’re located in Surprise AZ
Hello! Thank you for reaching out! We hope you can make our next meeting to tell us about yourself and your project. We meet the third Saturday of every month, 10am-12pm, at the Devonshire Senior Center in Phoenix. Our next meeting is Saturday, March 15. Hope to see you there!