Diane Shotton

Diane Wahn Shotton, a native of Covington, Kentucky, a suburb of Cincinnati, resides in Cave Creek, Arizona. After extensively researching her family history, she began writing historical fiction, drawing on her ancestors’ experiences. With a strong German heritage, her stories often explore themes of survival and resilience shaped by the political and cultural climate of the times. Her debut novel, Motty’s Vow, self-published in November 2024, was warmly received with good reviews. Diane won third place in a creative writing contest while attending Paradise Community College. Now retired, she enjoys spending time with her seven grandchildren and writing stories inspired by the untold chapters of her family’s past.

Follow Diane on
Instagram: @deshottonauthor; Facebook: dianewahnshotton; Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deshotton/
